Our Mission

Bee Balanced nurtures harmonious connections between you, pollinators, and the planet. By providing educational opportunities, protecting vital habitats and whole-person wellness programs, we avoid fear while cultivating equilibrium, self-discovery and collaborative communities. Together, we sustain diverse ecosystems and meaningful lives - for you and future generations.

Goal One: Promoting Education

Bee Balanced works to provide cities, towns, and neighborhood associations with information to assist with policy making and landscaping decisions that create healthy environments for local pollinators. Bee Balanced advocates natural and indigenous plantings to make built spaces hospitable for people, pollinators, and the planet.

We provide educational materials for teachers and home-schooled students that emphasize the importance of pollinators and their role in nature.

Goal Two: Habitat Preservation

Most people don’t own huge swaths of land that they can dedicate to pollinator habitat, but every vacant lot, public park, and tiny strip of open ground offers opportunities to feed and shelter pollinators.

Native plants generally require no care after they are established. Simply planting a small space with native wildflowers is a goal that each of us can achieve, and represents a tiny step towards a healthier ecosystem.

Most cities and towns are littered with tiny scraps of land - sometimes smaller than the average living room — that can be purchased for the cost of unpaid taxes. A living room isn’t a lot of land, but it’s enough for a butterfly garden that can add needed green space to an urban environment. It can provide a spacious home for dozens of species of solitary bees, a hummingbird’s nest, or even a bat house.

Bee Balanced attempts to purchase these little plots of abandoned ground and convert them into naturalized green spaces that help moderate temperatures in urban environments, fight the desert heat-island effect created by southwestern desert cities, and provide shelter to the pollinators upon whom the planet depends.

Goal Three: Promoting healthy relationships with pollinators, green spaces, and humanity.

There is extensive research linking physical and mental health to green spaces. Like pollinators, we are an integral part of our local ecosystem. Our individual and collective health is linked not only to our environment, but to our resilience, equanimity, and ability to confront challenges with thoughtful and intentional action.

Bee Balanced supports this human environmental factor by providing resources intended to help individuals attain their personal health goals through mindfulness, productive contemplation, and restorative sleep.

Our Values

1. Respect for the Food Chain:  We understand everything is connected in nature and every living thing plays an important role. We believe in showing respect for all organisms, from us humans down to the lowliest bee, since they all contribute to the ecosystem in their own way.

2. Spreading Awareness:  Knowledge is power. We are focused on educating and empowering you with the significance of pollinators and tangible actions you can take to protect them. Ignorance will only hurt our shared environment.

3. Thinking Long-Term:  We want to protect habitats and use resources sustainably so your children and grandchildren can enjoy nature as you do. Short-sightedness will be our undoing.

4. Mind-Body Connection:  Your well-being and the planet's are intertwined. Compromising one affects the other, so we promote an integrated approach to health that considers your whole life and the environment.

5. Teamwork: There is strength in numbers. We encourage your involvement and collaboration with your community. By working together, we can achieve more.

6. Constructive Dialogue:  To drive real change, we must engage in open and constructive dialogue, finding common ground instead of just going through the motions. This spirit of cooperation ignites progress.

7. Unity Through Diversity:  While we share one planet, we each contribute something unique. Our diversity makes us strong when we recognize our shared stake in caring for the environment and work as partners toward sustainability.

8. Solutions-Focused:  We maintain a constructive, solutions-oriented approach that avoids counterproductive fear messaging. Focusing on pragmatic actions empowers you to make a positive difference.

These are the guiding principles that drive our efforts to build a balanced world where humans and ecodiversity can thrive side by side for generations to come.